Have you ever faced the situation where you started off on trying to make something happen and a year had gone by before you realized you had gone off track. Or as a organization or leader you stated your vision but the team including yourself are off track because of day to day issues and other responsibilities. Or you are doing something unique but it takes 20 minutes to explain your idea to everyone else.
Over the last 13 years as we grew to become a global organization, we realized all the above challenges were an epidemic and had spread within our environment. As a creature of habit, it took us a few years but we determined the root cause and solution for the disconnect in our organization and individual goals: We are humans. We forget. We loose focus. We need reminders.
The solution we ended up implementing reconnected our team, clients and partners to our 100 year goal of becoming the largest pool of inventors. All it took was a Business Card.
As a first step the team crafted the organization goal in one sentence. This went on one side of the business card along with the individual’s contact info. Then at an individual level we asked each team member to write their own GOAL, IDEA to accomplish this goal and what they were doing(DOIT) currently to build the idea – This went on the other side of the business card. What transpired was a story that connected each individual to the organization through a mutual goal. Above all , each one of us had a constant reminder – not an App, Video, mass email, social media blasts …naaaa – a personalized BUSINESS CARD that we explained to the recipient with pride to tell our individual and organization’s story.
This simple exercise has become our mantra to create an environment and platform that connects individuals and organizations based on a mutual goal and helps each one to regain the focus.
FYI – This is not your run of the mill business card but it is a million dollar idea for : The individual or the organization trying to reinvent, The leader who is trying to connect with the team, The visionary who is trying to align the audience to the vision, The individual who is looking to express new ideas and connect with others and for The one who is trying to make a change. A tool to start up your business incubator.
You may contact us to design a RE-INVENT program for your specific initiative.
Happy B’ day NABROS. It took us 13 years to make it but we finally and have a Business Card.