Once upon a time in 2002, a group of innovative individuals explored and made home in a village called NABROS.com. Everyone in the village NABROS worked to build simple machines and processes that would help the other villagers do their work more efficiently.
Soon, the word spread and people from villages far away started visiting NABROS to see and learn how the folks in NABROS lived and to find solutions for their most challenging problems. Some of the visitors who liked the NABROS life style settled back in the village and became a part of the community to help build “simplicity”.
In a few years the villagers at NABROS were working all the time. There was more work and less people. Thus began the exploration to find innovative minded people.
NABROS explorers travelled across oceans and foreign lands seeking innovative people. But these “minds” were tough to find. And they realized very few schools, villages and communities had focused on innovation and simplicity.
Thus was born HUBLI – HUB for Learning and Innovation:
An initiative to engrain “new-age” learning and innovation in the fabric of schools, organizations and communities.An environment and platform where the new generation, innovators, businesses, students, teachers, consumers and professionals meet to bridge gaps and innovate.
It is a new beginning.