Why can we conclude Earth was born yesterday?

Click on the simulator  >>  Select the date in the simulator from the given list below >>Note the position of the Sun, Moon and Earth for the particular date


Simulator requires flash + may not be accessible on mobile devices.

Please click here if the solar system app does not load.

3oth March 2014   |  19th March 2015   |  6th Apr 2016  |  27th Mar 2017  |  17th Mar 2018  |  4th Apr 2019  |  23rd Mar 2020

When you select the particular date in the simulator, you will see the  Sun, Moon and Earth aligned perfectly in the X,Y,Z plane.

The dates noted above are the Indian New Year’s eve (it’s like the 31st Dec of each year) calculated using Drik System (Drig Ganit-ancient mathematical formulas).

Thus the assumption and conclusion:

Wouldn’t the logical starting point for earth and associated universal relationships be when she is in a perfect alignment with sun and the moon?

If you want to experiment with more dates, click here to get the indian new year dates for past and future based on the Drik System(Drig Ganit). The date you want to select in the simulator is one day prior (new year’s eve).

Thank you to http://www.solarsystemscope.com/ for the simulator.