It is named after the city of HUBBALI which is the largest university town in India.

It is a an initiative of to create an environment where innovation and “New Age” learning is the primary focus.


We believe there is a need for cultivating an education environment where the younger generation focuses on innovating the impossible.


1. By enabling the older generation to share life and professional experiences that will help the younger generation to prioratize, simplify and innovate.

2. By bridging the gap between the Industry sector and education institutes.

3. By providing grants for innovation and “new age” learning .


1. We will CONNECT experts, corporations, individuals and students who share the
purpose to contribute and innovate the impossible.

2. The Story teller will gain financially for sharing the experiences.

3. The partcipant will gain points/credits for posting their own video of their
perception of the individual story. These credits may be used for future HBLI
events and initiatives.

3. We will provide students/individuals/groups with GRANTS for initiatives resulting in
innovation and new age learning.

4. An environment where the next generation thinks beyond and may result in
building a space ship to tele-portation…just saying.

How can you become a HUBLI-ite ?


1. Register to tell your experience or listen to a story

2. Post your ideas and patent them

3. Apply for internships and jobs

4. Showcase your talent

5. Innovate with the industry

Professionals and Artists:

1. Register to tell your experience or listen to a story

2. Act on your Innovative ideas

3. Broadcast your talent and skill set

4. Help the academia with experience

5. Apply for innovative and challenging jobs

Businesses and Institutes:

1. Register to tell your experience or listen to a story

2. Act on your Innovative ideas

3. Innovate and globalize

4. Support innovators and academia

5. Build the local infrastructure

Local Leadership:

1. Broadcast your success story and guide academia

2. Champion to provide free internet to your community

3. Champion to improve infrastructure

4. Connect globally

5. Build the eco-system

Consumers and local:

1. Provide feedback for improvements

2. Broadcast your success story and guide academia

3. Volunteer with innovative opportunities

4. Volunteer to improve academia