Take a Dhi

to share how you fit perfectly in the world around you: AI 103 Design Concept.

Care and Caution: May feel dizzy, avoid taking a Dhi where chances of falling exist, viewer may try this at their own risk.

“How do I fit in the world around me

is the question that was answered for me in Hampi, India as I took a video by accident vs a selfie.

It took some time for me to understand how “taking a Dhi” had captured a moment in which my perspective and the world around me merged into a single frame. 

I saw for the first time how I fit perfectly in the world around me or to expand on that conclusion- how everyone and everything fits beautifully.

As I keep taking a Dhi, be it in the living room or on a mountain or by the beach, a new perspective always reveals;as I observe me and the world dancing together in a DHI.

A concept that later helped to define the AI design:103 

Abhi DhiYogi,


3 steps to take a Dhi.

1. Start the front facing video camera and hold it horizontal

2. Start turning in one place  

3. Move the hand holding camera-vertically up and down slowly.

Care and Caution: May feel dizzy, avoid taking a Dhi where chances of falling exist, viewer may try this at their own risk.