December 2022

The Sun

Some ideas about -The sun -The sun and you -Yoga of the sun, wind, water, earth ...

November 2022

Respect, Love n Peace : Nov 11 2022

A few songs and stories for your Dhi .. 1. Respect : you cant ask for it but receive it 2. Love : You cant force it but receive it 3. Peace: You cant find it but receive it You are invited to support the projects in need @ abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

October 2022

Idea of Practice and Preaching? : Oct 19 2022

Some ideas: 1. Does practice come from preaching 2. What is preaching vs practicing 3. Yoga in the practice and preaching You are invited to support us @ abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

The magnets and I : Oct 12 2022

A few ideas and thoughts on : 1. The magnets in ... 2. The fields of ... 3. The yoga in attachment and detachment To support us please visit abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

September 2022

The path of my ego : Sept 27 2022

A few ideas and thoughts on : 1. The path 2. The direction 3. The yoga of ego To support us please visit abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

The path of intelligence : Sept 24 2022

A few ideas and thoughts on : 1. The path 2. The direction 3. The yoga of intelligence To support us please visit abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

Beauty and the Breath : Sept 5 2022

A few ideas and thoughts on : 1. The Beauty is in the "Mind" of the beholder 2. The Mind in The Moment 3. The Beautiful Breath To support us please visit abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

August 2022

Separation Anxiety : Aug 17 2022

A few ideas and thoughts on : 1. Separation and Anxiety 2. The irony in conversations n' relationships 3. The yoga of balance, opening up and learning To support us please visit abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

Train of Thought on the track of …: Aug 10 2022

Today's Concert: To get the "train of thought" on the track of my "attention" I has to anchor into "here and now". Read books and watch past concerts + Support our AIMS @ abhi,dhiyogi.org . USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

Breath by Abhi DhiYogi

Dhi Breath of You, I and ... Support our AIMS @ https://abhi.dhiyogi.org #iinventaims #dhiyoga

Poem, Picture and Silence in relationships: Aug 7 2022

Celebration of Maldives Independence Day Today's Concert: A Poem may share a hundred thoughtS A picture May paint a thousand words But, In silence one May realize the Love that cannot be defined. Read books and watch past concerts + Support our AIMS @ abhi,dhiyogi.org . USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.