Book of Dhi Truth

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DHI 109 to 217 : Ideas for your ideas in the pursuit of Truth.

PRINT ISBN: 978-1-963651-02-7 | EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-963651-03-4 | Library of Congress Control Number: 2023903628 | All profits will be utilized for children/projects in need.

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from the book and the blog

An open individual is the idea of one who expresses and accepts ideas, thoughts and feelings created in each experience.

All kids are born open. Sometimes the grown up’s around them start instilling their own fears and expectations in the name of love.

Happiness always hides behind expectations.

One can open only the self and not others. But one can close down because of the others.

We close down when stuck in the past or in the fear of future.

Fear of vulnerability is the lock that needs to be opened: mandatory.

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A few songs and stories for your .. You are invited to support us @ abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

Some ideas: 1. Does practice come from preaching 2. What is preaching vs practicing 3. Yoga in the practice and preaching You are invited to support us @ abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

If I enjoy the present in today, then is it a "BirthDay"? To support us please visit abhi.dhiyogi.org USE HEADPHONES FOR BEST EXP.

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