In Love, With Love, For Love | By Abhi DhiYogi

Song: In Love, With Love, For Love Album: Songs for Dhi Music, Lyrics, Production, Video, Singer : Abhi DhiYogi Details @ Date of original composition: Oct 1 2018 Recorded @ 1816ZENDEN Studio | 1 chord Lyrics: In Love With Love For Love My love Your Love All one Love Love Smiles n Tears Hopes n Fears All are born from this Love Love: Fall in love with love for love. Be it what I get, Whatever that's lost friend, Everything is meant to merge someday Into Love. Love: Fall in love with love for love. With each breath send you my love. With each breath need your love. Love: Fall in love with love for love. I am in love You’r in love All in one love. Love

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