I had been investigating for years about how time expands and contracts when we travel at high speeds or move into environments where force of gravity changes. Nothing that I read made sense. It was all too confusing – I would stay young if I travel at speed of light or if I go to a place of high gravity where the clock ticked slow.
I concluded otherwise. But I had never thought of raising my conclusion on “Time” to an audience with a fear of rebuttal since it contradicted the theories, findings and assumptions assimilated by the science community over the last 100 plus years.
All that changed. Over the last 3 months I visited multitude of schools to promote the thought – the next generation is smarter than the current and we need to encourage their imagination so they innovate. In conducting these brain storms I saw kids as young as 6 years come onto the stage and fearlessly express their ideas and thoughts …wow. And here I was, a 40 year old man, fearing the thought of rebuttal on a conclusive idea that I had. After consulting with the 6 year olds, I made a decision: I was going to talk about my idea to everyone since the smartest scientists on the planet, the 6 year olds, agreed with me.
Here it goes..Around the year 1915 Einstein proposed the theory of relativity which states a clock slows down when gravity increases or when we travel at high speeds. Over the last 100 years scientists have conducted thousands of experiments to prove that time, per se clock, slows down and thus we age more slowly when we travel at high speeds or were to visit a planet where gravity was high. I know I am sounding like a broken record.
My question was – what has my aging got to do with how a clock – be it atomic – behaves at high speeds or different gravity? I believe a clock is a devise to measure time. And what is time? Is it the tick tock tick tock of a clock?
Nope:My time is connected to one rotation of the earth on its own axis – which we call a day or 1 rotation around the sun which we call it a year. Thus my time is Earth Universal Time.
The million dollar question: do I age per earth’s rotation or at the rate a clock ticks? My conclusion was, I age at the rate of rotation of the earth since my time is connected to earth’s time. For e.g. if I am given to live 100 years, it means I get to be a part of earth’s 100 rotations around the sun.
To take the conclusion one step further, let’s assume, I start travelling on a space ship that goes at the speed of light and I start noticing my clock in the space ship has slowed compared to the clock on earth. Or let’s say I finally land on a planet where gravitational force is really high (just like the planet with gigantic waves in the movie Interstellar) which in turn causes my clock to slow down. In either of the cases, travelling at the speed of light or planet with high gravity which causes my clock to slow down, has the rate of earth’s rotation on it’s own axis and around the sun changed during this time? Meaning, as I sit on the beach in the Interstellar planet and watch the gigantic waves come crashing, and my clock shows I have been sitting for one hour, what has happened to the rate of earth’s rotation – has it remained a constant? So if the earth completes one rotation around the sun( 1 earth year) in the one hour time lapse on my clock as I sit on the beach, I would have grown by 1 year. Meaning, I retain the time and growth rate that I had on earth.
Each individual, entity and energy owns, holds and resonates with the Universal TIME they belong
to, irrespective of the position, velocity or force being experienced.
Abhi DhiYogi ( Abhi Rajmane)
In summary, I will not age any different just because I am travelling at the speed of light or am living on a planet where the gravitational force is high. I will age at the same rate as I would have on Earth .
We are contradicting the application of Einstein’s theory of relativity to aging and time travel with a hope that this enquiry and conclusion prompts the scientists of tomorrow to re-evaluate the basics of our age old theories, formulas and assumptions that have yielded very little progress when it comes to space travel.