MOM has Fever. Plant a tree says Dr. Sanjeev.
It was almost 70 million years ago when MOM last had a fever . Since she could'nt find any help from her kids back then, she got a shot. What happened is now called K-T event in history which made sure she was cured. Today, she is suffering from fever again. We have a choice - either to help MOM recover from fever or a shot is always available to cure her of all the causes of infection. Dr. Sanjeev Kulkarni, Creator|Inventor|Maven provides a solution and concept that we can follow to create, develop and grow in harmony with MOM a.k.a Nature, Earth, Environment ... The first step - get your hands dirty by planting a tree. He planted one a few years ago. Today he has a forest farm ( ) which is now a Incubation farm for good ideas. Check out his inspiring talk given at the iINVENT concert conducted by with the students and faculty from KLE- CTIE, University of Massachusetts @ Boston US and Nanjing University @ China. Credits: Video: Ojas Rajmane Infrastructure Support: NABROS Team